Heritage objects are an undeserved development resource for territories. And first of all we mean objects not in the capital and not in regional centers, as interest to them is relatively high, as well as to any other form of real estate. We are talking about objects located outside the big cities.

The problem is that these objects are trying to translate economic schemes understandable and worked out for any real estate in a large city and, as a rule, almost do not take into account the specifics of this segment of real estate. Such objects cannot be approached with traditional measures. These objects are mainly of strategic rather than tactical perspective.

Public and business interest in heritage sites has been growing steadily. Therefore, there is a need for rapid development and adoption of policy measures in order to streamline the almost spontaneous process of privatization of these sites and their involvement in modern economic and social life.

At present, this process has been further strengthened. A number of practices already exist in various regions that allow for a full assessment of the efficiency of investments and use of heritage objects. Objects are used as hotels, country rest homes, corporate and personal residences, cultural and recreational centers, etc. But this process is still spontaneous and not programmatic in nature.

Solution of the problem of preservation and use of heritage objects in the new economic conditions requires development of new management approaches, solutions and technologies aimed primarily at selection of effective owners and users of heritage objects and their involvement in the modern socio-cultural and economic turnover.

The core of the program approach, in our opinion, is the creation of a system of interaction between the state, society and business, development of motivation factors in the development of investment, socio-cultural and other projects. These projects, in their implementation, produce a synergistic effect in other sectors of the economy.

There is a capital inflow to rural areas, an increase in the flow of incoming tourists, the development of the restoration and construction complex, the development of transport and energy infrastructure in the adjacent areas, and an increase in the efficiency of land use, which has a generally beneficial impact on the socio-economic situation in the regions.

The population is being pulled into large cities and adjacent areas, and rural areas are being depopulated. In this situation, it is impossible to effectively use the resources of the region. By forming a network structure, the estates are centers of development of rural and depressive territories and form a new settlement network.

Renewed farmsteads offer the local population new types of activities, and thus opportunities for self-realization in the sphere of services and new technologies of farmsteads. With the development of a new settlement network, an infrastructure network is also developing, followed by a second settlement flow. All this contributes to more consistent development of rural areas and their capitalization.

Several dozen projects in relative proximity create a new settlement network that changes the social and political map of the region. The new settlement system is a promising project from both the economic and social points of view.

Involvement of the maximum possible number of active stakeholders in the process of managing the nation’s cultural heritage will allow Russia to take advantage of the advantages of the development of “heritage industry” and cultural tourism, which have been appreciated in different countries.

And one of the promising directions here can be the development of mechanisms of public-private partnership for the revival and use of heritage sites. Moreover, such partnership should involve not only cooperation in project financing, but also joint work in a number of other areas.

Heritage sites have enormous potential to be used as cultural tourism sites. These are opportunities for their museification, transformation into cultural and health centers, recreation and sanatoriums, etc.